The Painter Speaks
"Hello friends.I am Arunita. Painting is my passion. So whenever I get time I sit down with my drawing copy, colours, brushes,etc. So check out these ones. They are some of my most favourite paintings.."

The Webmaster Speaks
Arunita has been kind enough to send us some more of her lovely paintings. Enjoy these idyllic landscapes born from her brush and colours..... and leaving AHM without commenting is absolutely prohibited...and might I add it's a punishable cyber offence?

The Moderator Speaks
And you thought we were a black blog!
Thank u Arunita!!This one is lovely!!hope 2 publish more of ur paintings on AHM.
First post.
First love.
This is gonna be good. For Jood.
Awesome job Arunita!!! carry on doing ur gr8 work...
Friends, Moderators and JUdeans above all,
I beseech u not to leave without commenting!!Pls visit n comment on posts regularly.And yes, do send us something new!!For here on AHM, we publish anything and evrything, anytime.
Wonderful pieces of art...its simply outstanding...hope to see more of your creativities!!!
I luv the first two the best!!
Gr8 work arunita...i like the 2nd one the most...keep painting n keep sending ur work here so that we can all appreciate them even more!!
1st of all m gone speechless not getin ne words 2 say abt this paintings...wel wat I can only say abt those four paintings z those r just Awesome,Superb n Beautiful...all d best in future!!!
Question about the 2nd painting. Are those birds trying to emulate the flight tactics of the new Harrier 240C carrier-launched jets, or did the USAF emulate the tactics from the birds?
i love all those paintings posted here i wish i could paint like you...blessed soul u
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