Man must act in such a way that the whole of his individuality lies in each moment.
Algebra is conceptual, arithmetic intuitive.
What is right in socialism is that every man should strive to seek and find, just as his own self and particular nature, even yet his own property; and here his possibilities must not be restricted from the very beginning from outside. A man can be proud of acquired riches, and rightly look up to them as up to a moral symbol of inner work, also.Hope– fear : psychology of the gambler. Every compulsive gambler suffers greatly from fear.
Murder is a self-justification of the criminal; through it he seeks to prove to himself that nothing exists.
The criminal is the polar opposite of the man who feels guilty. For the latter takes his guilt upon himself, while the criminal gives it to another. He takes revenge upon and punishes the other for himself: That is how murder is explained.Every sickness is crime and punishment; all medicine must become “psych-iatry”, care-of-the-soul. It is something immoral, i.e., unconcious, that leads to sickness; and every sickness is healed as soon as it is inwardly recognized and understood by the sick person himself.
The old view of things is very profound, which leaves the sick person and leper to ask what they might have done, that God should punish them so.
That is why man is ashamed of illness; woman never.
Imagination and adornment,
Imagination and art,
Imagination and play,
Imagination and love,
Imagination and creation,
Imagination and form,
Imagination and adornment.
The discontinuity in the passage of time is what is immoral in it.
The relationship of finality to causality cannot be determined without resolving the problem of time.
Cause – Effect Time
Means – End
Whoever makes the end into a means and treats the effect as a cause, inverts time; and the inversion of time is evil.
The Nature of the Sciences
I. The spatio-temporal elements are introduced as constants: Geography – History
II. Space and time are separated: Development of variables
a) space elements: geometry, cosmography;
b) time elements: physics.
The most important mistakes of Kant:
1. The neglect of the meaning of time;
2. That he makes no distinction between the reality of the inner and outer life;
3. On a theoretical level, he wanted to know nothing of those things possessing a higher reality.
Boredom and impatience are the most immoral emotions there can be. For man sets time as real in them: he wants it to pass without him having to fill it, without it being mere phenomenal form of his inner liberation and extension, mere form in which he must strive to be realised, but rather independent from him, and he dependent on it. Boredom is at the same time the need to annul time from outside, and the longing for the devil’s work.
Sympathy is immoral (let alone the foundation of morality) because it aims to create pleasure, not worth. (Pleasure is dependent on conditions, worth is never dependent on conditions.) Pain is here no doubt directly seen, but negated; and pleasure directly willed, without affirming worth, as in respect.
Cruelty: the desire to make pain real (to exclusive reality), instead of placing desire with “freedom-worth”. All cruel people have a uniquely pained face; because their being signifies precisely the condition of pain.
The older a person becomes, the more he looks into the future, not only into the past. The child has absolutely no relationship to his future.
Is the ocean due to the rivers, or the rivers due to the ocean? Who would decide that? So is it between God and man. The ocean wills the rivers, the river wills the ocean.
The problem of the sick person is the problem of space.
The problem of the criminal is the problem of time.
The criminal dies from inside (time), the sick person from outside (space). Epilepsy must also be connected with time.
Howling gale in Macbeth: fate conquers and devours man.
Because time is uni-directional, we are less interested in the state before our birth. Our birth sets something new, begins a new sequence.
Dualism lies in the fact that we do not create the sensations about which we think.
Vegetarians are just as mistaken as their opponents. If you did not want to contribute to the killing of living beings, you could only drink milk, for whoever eats fruit or eggs still kills embryos. Milk is perhaps for that reason the healthiest food, because it is the most ethical.
Man cannot even bear to look into the sun – so weak and immature is he.
Birth is cowardice: connecting to other people, because one does not have the courage to be oneself. That is why one seeks refuge in the womb.
The present is as spaceless as it is timeless; and the goal of humanity can be defined as mere-prescence, as omnipresence (one usually understands omnipresence only as freedom from space, instead of understanding it as also including the absorption of past and future, of everything unconscious in the conscious present). The narrowness of consciousness should contain the universe: only then is man “eternally young” and perfected.
Genius is, in its essence, nothing but the full completion of the idea of a man, and, therefore, every man ought to have some quality of it, and it should be regarded as a possible principle for every one. Genius is the highest morality, and, therefore, it is every one's duty. Genius is to be attained by a supreme act of the will, in which the whole universe is affirmed in the individual. Genius is something which 'men of genius' take upon themselves; it is the greatest exertion and the greatest pride, the greatest misery and the greatest ecstasy to a man. A man may become a genius if he wishes to.